Hello, I'm a UX & Graphic Designer in Brooklyn, NY.

JPMorgan Chase - Our Markets

JPMorgan Chase -
Our Markets


Our Markets

Telling the stories of JPMorgan Chase clients of how they are improving their neighborhood and how JPMorgan Chase is helping their causes.


 This landing page included links for each of the individual markets for JPMorgan Chase. By creating a templated that each individual Each individual market page dove deeper into the details of that market: where the JPMorgan and Chase branches are located, what can we offer customers there, where else are JPMorgan Chase is helping drive business in the neighborhood.


While working on this project, I was able to see the great work JPMorgan Chase is able to provide to different communities all over the nation, like a community garden in Washington D.C. or enabling a small ice shop that employs people with special needs in Dallas. My role was to create a landing page template that could be used across all the cities JPMorgan Chase services. The main problem for this project was that the old community pages were only text. I had to create an experience for the user that would make them want to scroll down the page to the community stories and interact with those pages.


Creative Direction: Vinay Basil
Manager: Myles Gaythwaite
Producer: Winter Gocke
Role: UX Designer / Designer


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